Agni Yoga series
On each book is inscribed a date giving the year when the book was published for the first time. Mme Roerich wrote: "These dates must be put on the books. The readers from now will read these texts with a consciousness absolutely different than those of the readers of fifty years ago"
LETTERS II, p. 276.
These books are an introduction to the Agni Yoga series ; in essence they actually deal with the majority of questions and aspects of life which are treated in detail and elucidated from different angles in the next volumes of the Teaching.
Each epoch has its Call, and the calling fundation of the New Era will be the power of thought. That is why we call you to understand the great significance of creative thought, and the first step in this direction will be the opening of consciousness, freedom from all prejudices and from all tendentiousness and forced concepts.
LETTERS I, p. 3 ; LETTERS II, pp. 17,51,185,199.
The Teaching can't be imposed, it hearlds the New Era. One can ingore it, or deny it, but its heralding is inescapable.
Family, clan, country, union of nations - each unit strives toward peace, toward bettermetn of life. Each unit of cooperation and communal life needs perfecting. No one can fix the limits of evolution.
The World Community is built with human hands and feet, and therein lies the beauty of the construction.
AGNI YOGA, 416 ; COMMUNITY, 1, 156.
I affirm that Agni Yoga is a light on the path. It is of no consequence how the travelers make use of this blessing. The way is indicated to them. Those who discern the signs of fire will come.
The Teaching of Agni Yoga demands continuous ardor; the inner flame is never extinguished.
The Teaching should live as freely as the Fire of Space. Therefore We bid humanity kindle the fires of striving and achievement simply.
AGNI YOGA, 300, 414, 422.
INFINITY I and II 1930
Approaching Agni Yoga, we strive unwaveringly into Infinity. The all-pervading element leads toward the far-off worlds. It is impossible to express limitless magnitude in one book. We must first mold the cognition of Infinity. Just as striving conquers space, so also consciousness leads into Infinity.
Courageously inspired by striving, realizing the majesty of the endless perfecting of creative life, strive toward the calling Infinity - infinity of lives, infinity of achievements, infinity of knowledge, infinity of construction, infinity of beauty!
My young friends, hearken to the Call of Creative Infinity!
INFINITY I, postface ; LETTERS I, pp. 4-5
A valiant eye will not be dulled. A valiant eye will look into the sun of Hierarchy. Not cringing, not irritation, not profit, will be the gates to Hierarchy. But willing Service, a heartfelt veneration and conscious ascent will bring one to the treshold of Light.
It would be unwise to send out a boat without a rudder. But the Pilot is predestined and the creation of the heart will not be precipitated into the abyss. Like milestones on a luminous path, the Brothers of Humanity, ever alert, are standing on guard, ready to lead the traveler into the chain of ascent.
HIERARCHY, 460 and preface , préface et postface.
HEART 1932
They will ask, Why first Infinity, then Hierarchy, and only then Heart? Why not the reverse? But first comes the direction, then the connection, and then the means. One must not spoil this sacred recourse by doubt. Let us regard the pulse of a man in doubt and also at the hour of devoted striving. Doubt is the destruction of quality. Doubt is the tomb of the heart. Doubt is the source of ugliness. Doubt must be mentionned in each talk, because where can one go without quality? What shall we understand without the heart? What shall we attain without beauty?
The book Call does not resemble the book Heart - for at that time there was no Armageddon. Let them understand that Armageddon changes many circumstances of life. It is impossible to apply peaceful measures in time of war ; hence a garment of armour is needed.
HEART, 6, 531.
FIERY WORLD I - II - III 1933 1934 1935
After the writings about the heart, about the Subtle World, one must write about Fire, about the Fiery World. How far that world will be from the contemporary understanding of life ! But he who knows about the Subtle World will also wish to rise into the World of Fire.
Fiery World 2 will be given immediately, provided you keep in mind the affirmed valediction on the long journey and preserve joy and the resolution to hasten in spirit. Do not forget that Agni is nourished by joy and courage and endurance. Thus, let us follow the path of the fiery consciousness.
In the Teachings, Fire has been mentionned a thousand times, but now the stressing of Fire is no longer a repetition, for it is a warning about events which concern the planet's fate. Most people will not be able to say that in their hearts they have beeen preparing for the Fiery Baptism, although the msot ancient Teachings forewarned about he inevitable Epoch of Fire.
HEART, 159 ; FIERY WORLD I, postface ; FIERY WORLD II, preface.
THE AGNI YOGA SOCIETY, 319 W, 107 th Street, NEW YORK, NY 10025-2799 USA
Roerich Museum in New York:
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Last update: 01/18/2014 15:07